softspot#17 我们为什么那么喜欢性格测试?别看星座运势啦!关于16型人格测试的大讨论 | softspot#17 Why we are obsessed with personality test? We test out the 16 personalities test!

网络上时不时冒出一个性格测试:你是《甄嬛传》里的谁?你会被霍格沃茨的哪个学院录取?还有这两天朋友圈都在分享的人格主导色。我们真的好钟爱性格测试!不过大部分测试仅供娱乐,到底有多大参考价值就见仁见智了。不过,Zane最近发现了权威的16型人格测试,还找来朋友一起亲测,Rita也“现身说法”,到底准不准呢?快来听这一期的Soft Spot~期待与大家在更多平台相遇: Spotify/Apple Podcast/喜马拉雅/小宇宙/QQ音乐/网易云音乐/荔枝FM:Soft Spot 小红书:Soft Spot

Which Game of Thrones character are you? Which Hogwarts House do you belong to? What your Zodiac sign says about you? I bet all of us have done these personality tests at some point. We are so obsessed with finding out who we are and our superego. But exactly how helpful these tests are? We don't know. But, we do know there are some professionally recognized tests like MBTI, or the 16 personalities test, that maybe will help us learn more about us. This week, we both did the test. Is it accurate in reflecting our true ego? Find it out in this episode of Soft Spot! You can also find us on Spotify/Apple podcast/Ximalaya /QQ Music/ NetEase Music/Xiao YuZhou/LiZhi FM: Soft Spot Xiaohongshu/RED: Soft Spot