softspot#20 爱不释手的3C产品&失眠星人的睡眠奇招 | Shopping smart technologies & challenging Rita’s sleeping tips

不知不觉间Soft Spot迎来了第20期!可喜可贺~这一期我们同大家分享了近期爱用的3C产品和智能家电——苹果主机小巧好用值得入手,Surface平板电脑难敌10年高寿的苹果Air笔记本,小米的智能螺丝刀长得神似筋膜枪…Rita这期信心满满的助眠tips貌似“滑铁卢”,被Zane现身说法屡屡挑战lol 到底她的妙招有没有用,听众朋友们快来check it out!

期待与大家在更多平台相遇: Spotify/Apple Podcast/喜马拉雅/小宇宙/QQ音乐/网易云音乐/荔枝FM:Soft Spot 小红书:Soft Spot

Oh my, time flies. Soft Spot hits episode 20! In this episode, Zane and Rita share their recent favorites of smart technologies: Apple Mini, Microsoft Surface, Mi’s smart screwdriver…In Tips of the Week, Rita boasts her untraditional sleeping tips (including writing down bothering thoughts on paper and tear the paper up), but Zane feels the need to challenge lol So how effective are the tips, really? Check out this episode of Soft Spot!

You can also find us on Spotify/Apple podcast/Ximalaya /QQ Music/ NetEase Music/Xiao YuZhou/LiZhi FM: Soft Spot Xiaohongshu/RED: Soft Spot