softspot#23 谈谈跳槽这件小事儿 | Is job hopping a bad thing?  Rita shares her personal story

频繁换工作真的是职场禁忌吗?想离职前有哪些要考虑的问题?Soft Spot开播半年,Rita经历了第二次离职。几次换工作的经历让她对跳槽有了新的认知,心态也变得不一样。就如Zane所说,离职只是件需要谨慎处理的小事儿而已。如果你也在为换工作而踌躇不安,希望本期节目能给你带来些许启发。当然,除了聊工作,我们也一如既往与大家分享本周的爱用物与好剧推荐,欢迎收听~

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Is job hopping really a bad thing? What should we consider before handing in the resignation letter? In this episode of Soft Spot, Rita shares her personal story as she takes her new job offer. Quitting is never an easy decision, but it's also not such a big deal! If you are experiencing the same dilemma, check out this episode of Soft Spot. P.S. We share our weekly obsessions & best buys as always! You can also find us on: Spotify: Ximalaya: NetEase Music: QQ Music: Lizhi FM:


Have stories and suggestions for us? Shoot us an email at [email protected]