softspot#29 飞行嘉宾第二弹!骑到流泪的那一瞬间,我爱上了健身的人生

能做健身教练的人都具备什么素质?如何找到最适合自己的运动方式?除了Lululemon哪里能买到实惠又美丽的健身穿搭?爱运动的都市丽人们看过来,本期专业单车教练&灵魂教学型选手Blair空降Soft Spot!你关心的运动相关问题,我们统统为你解答~当然,我们依旧分享了每周的高光时刻和新入荷好物,敬请收听

你可以在Spotify、小宇宙、苹果Podcast、QQ音乐、荔枝播客、喜马拉雅等各大平台搜索Soft Spot 找到我们 或通过这个邮箱:[email protected] 来找到我们!


本期提到过的品牌:La Nikar、Aria Sports Wear

Who can get trained to be a trainer? How to find the best workout routine? Where can I get cheap & chic workout clothes? To answer these questions, we invite our friend Blair, the cycle addict, professional trainer, and yoga guru-to-be to join for this episode of Soft Spot. As always, if you’re here to enjoy our weekly updates and money-going stories, keep on listening.

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM searching Soft Spot Shoot us an email at [email protected]

Blair‘s XiaoHongShu:

And the brand we mentioned are La Nikar and Aria Sports Wear