
softspot#38 尾款人集结!双十一你理性消费了吗?| Double Eleven’s here! Another season of shopping spree

又是一年双十一,快乐消费理性购物,你做到了吗?Zane和Rita今年简直是两个极端,一个选择买在平常,不愿费脑研究双十一各大商家 套路;另一个则是出入各大直播间,跟随主播买买买买到荷包掏空。Rita奇奇怪怪的爱用物再一次刷新了Zane的认知——鹅绒保命裤,燕窝阿胶糕、冻干雪梨羹、玑妍之光流光刀美容仪…当然,Zane的羽绒围巾也是冬日必备好物!这一期我们还讨论了Just Dance的快乐以及游戏机哪家强,一边购物一边来听听我们的分享吧~

你可以在Spotify、小宇宙、苹果Podcast、QQ音乐、荔枝播客等各大平台搜索Soft Spot 找到我们

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00:55 Rita hightlight :Just Dance 以及 游戏机大讨论

11:05 Zane highlight :热爱冬天 and low light :感冒的恐惧

17:04 双十一购物大放送。Zane:羽绒围巾; Rita:流光刀美容仪、龙角散、燕窝阿胶膏、冻干雪梨银耳羹、羽绒裤




Another Double Eleven’s here. How’s your bank account? Zane and Rita went to different extreme this year. With discounts and sales happening so often, Zane chose to buy whenever she needs and couldn’t bother studying the Double Eleven sales schemes. Rita, on the other hand, lived in shopping livestream chat rooms and shopped until drop. Naturally, she has so many weird stuff to share – down trousers, donkey-hide gelatin cake, freeze-drying pear soup, and Shiseido’s latest 3D Beauty Lifting Activator…Zane also shares her winter favorite, the down scarf! We’ve also talked about the fun of Just Dance and different game machines ahead of the Xmas season. How about listen to our story while you place your next order?

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM searching Soft Spot

Shoot us an email at [email protected]