
softspot#41 拒绝职场社交“潜规则”| 同事能做朋友吗?为什么大家都不再发朋友圈?| Try “social distancing” on social media—you’ll probably be happier

刷朋友圈到底有多“致郁”?Zane自从减少刷圈频率后发现世界都美好了很多!适当的社交距离真的很重要,当无法逃避职场的那些人情世故,Rita教你何时say no保持神秘感~本周我们的生活都超级丰富,有观展心得、好剧分享、穿搭心得、3C评测,欢迎收听~

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00:10 安藤忠雄展览讨论

03:50 Zane有趣一周的分享

09:06 Rita和Zane本周观影分享:美剧《杰西卡·琼斯》电影《通话惊魂》

16:33 Money going:卫衣挑选指南

22:35 Money going:Iphone13 使用心得

26:50 Tips of this week:同事间的界限讨论

37:08 Tips of this week:减少看朋友圈频率

Have you ever turned to social media to battle stress and ended up feeling even more distressed? Try Zane’s tip for you this week: “Social distancing” yourself from the social media. Let’s be honest, most of us only post the highlights of our life and leave the worst moments to ourselves. What about for work? How do you draw a line between you and your close colleagues when distancing your peers is virtually impossible? Rita shares some lessons she learned throughout the years. Check out this episode of Soft Spot

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM searching Soft Spot

Shoot us an email at [email protected]