
softspot#45 年终表扬大会 | 2021年的起起落落与收获 |Year-end special! Highlights&lowlights of 2021

2021年的最后一期节目,我们回顾了即将结束的一年里那些高光时刻与种种收获,进行了一次自我表扬大会。Zane和Rita今年最为感恩的就是将Soft Spot从设想变为现实,并认识了我们可爱的听众朋友们。今年Rita对30而立有了自己的体会,勇敢地进行了职业变道,并不再为身材焦虑;Zane与睡眠和解,有了自己骄傲的爱好。虽然两个人都有lowlights,但生活什么时候不是起起落落~在这里祝大家新年快乐,不要错过下期的新年特辑哦!

你可以在Spotify、小宇宙、苹果Podcast、QQ音乐、荔枝播客等各大平台搜索Soft Spot 找到我们 或通过这个邮箱:[email protected] 告诉我们你的想法

To close the last chapter of 2021, we made this special episode reviewing the highlights and lowlights of our lives in the past year. We shared what we felt most proud of – that must be turning this podcast from a vague idea into a concrete thing. Rita shared her experience turning 30, making career changes and refusing body shaming. Zane couldn’t be happier as she improved her sleep quality and finally found her truest hobby. Of course we both have lowlights, but that’s just part of our life. Wish everybody a happy new year. P.S. See you next year in our first episode in 2022-the new year special!

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM searching Soft Spot Shoot us an email at [email protected]