
softspot#49 听说自律的都市丽人,每周会定一个小目标 | Set a weekly goal and be more self-disciplined

过年好!春节假期大家怎么过的呢?Zane和Rita休闲养生陪家人,补剧、看德云综艺、和朋友小聚,仿佛度过了一个加长版周末。开年来两个人都似乎在努力更自律一些:Zane用子弹笔记记录生活,并每周定下weekly goal;Rita积极参加运动app Keep的活动挑战,春节7天在家成功挑战魔性蹦迪!你有自己的小目标吗?你是如何践行的呢?

你可以在Spotify、小宇宙、苹果Podcast、QQ音乐、荔枝播客等各大平台搜索Soft Spot 找到我们

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00:19 Zane和Rita讨论春节如何度过

13:40 Zane Money Going 分享:口罩&美容仪

22:35 Rita Money Going 分享:相声票&字帖

31:00 子弹笔记 weekly goal 设置

39:10 Keep APP 活动挑战





Happy Chinese New Year! How’s everyone’s holiday? Zane and Rita had a relaxed, chilled time, spending time with family and friends and binge watching TV series and cross talk talent shows. It seemed like a prolonged weekend, as Zane summarized. Looking back, both gals found out their way to be more self-disciplined. While Zane tried bullet journal and gained a sense of fulfillment by setting weekly goals, Rita joined activities/challenges on the fitness app Keep to achieve her workout goals. Do you have your short/long term goals? What’re your tips achieving them?

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM searching Soft Spot

Shoot us an email at [email protected]