
softspot#51 华妃教你制霸职场!那些甄嬛传里的人生tips | What we learned from Empresses in the Palace

为什么那么多人爱甄嬛传?因为里面处处都是教你为人处世的名言警句。本周Zane在重温甄嬛传后与我们分享了制霸职场小tips。另一边,Rita依然沉浸在相声的快乐星球,一周听了两场德云社的相声,开启了德云社小园子走访之旅。本周爱用物,我们评测了网红奶油米酒 、会喷微气泡的花洒。最后还有教大家“无痛”起床的小绝招~check us out!

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00:20 Zane&Rita本周新事分享

08:40 Zane的“好东西”以及一个小拔草

14:45 Rita新奇好物分享以及洗澡小习惯讨论

26:50 甄嬛传里的人生tips

38:30 “无痛”起床小绝招





Why people binge watch Empresses in the Palace? Because we can all learn some great workplace tips with the golden quotes from the period drama show. This week, Zane rewatched the series and shared some of the highlighted quotes with us. Rita, on the other hand, is still crazy over the Chinese folk art cross-talks. She went two times and planned to visit all branches of deyunshe, the most famous cross-talk show group. Check us out for more fun tips and weekly favorites!

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM searching Soft Spot

Shoot us an email at [email protected]