
softspot#74 去你的狗屁工作!我们无法快乐劳动的原因 | Heck to my bullshit job! The reason I cannot enjoy working

拥有一份外人看来艳羡的工作,却总是焦虑、不快乐、甚至怀疑自己人生价值?Bad news——你从事的可能是份狗屁工作!人类学家大卫·格雷伯提出的bullshit job这一概念给很多迷茫的职场人提供了答案。当我们从事的工作是为别人的错误埋单、为别人彰显地位而作摆设、创造出毫无意义的工作让别人忙碌,你能坚持多久?假如每个月你无论是否工作都会拿到一笔可观的补贴,那你还会带着上班如上坟的心情继续现在的这份工作吗?

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21:20 去你的狗屁工作!我们无法快乐劳动的原因


美剧:《Modern Love》《战争与和平》


If you have a decent job envied by other people but still feel miserable, I have a bad news for you— you probably have a bullshit job. In his book A Theory: Bullshit Jobs, American anthropologist David Graeber offers every lost office worker an answer to their distress and dissatisfaction. When the purpose of our daily 9-5 is just to fix others’ problems, show off others’ power or create meaningless work for others, we can hardly keep this job. Here’s a provoking question for you: If you can claim a decent monthly expense no matter you have a job or not, are you gonna keep you current job?

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