
softspot #82 体面不只是在分手时 ,更在一期一会中| A nice gesture goes a long way

当生活将我们PUA成毫无感情的都市打工人,如果你还能对陌生人展露一个善意的微笑、 送上一句体贴的问候,那是多么温暖的举动啊。我们都想做体面的人,然而却常常忽视身边最容易做到的一些行为举措——为身后的人留门、在拒绝他人的同时送上祝福。本期,我们聊聊如何从细微之处做一个体面、有里有面的都市丽人。

时间线: 00:10 本周的little update 04:25 Culture Highlight 23:30 小举动让我们成为更体面的人

涉及电影及剧集: 电影:《重启之深渊疑冢》 剧集:《东京摩登爱情》《我爱我家》

When life gives us a lemon, it’s hard for us to make some lemonade not to mention to share that with others. But when life’s hard, we should all be reminded the power of a kind, warm gesture. Maybe holding door for the person behind you, or send your best wishers to that interviewer you decide not to hire. This time, we want to talk about what we can offer to show our kindness, warmth and grace when the weather it’s cold outside.

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