
softspot#89 记账一年,我离FIRE的距离还有一光年|Spend my way to FIRE!

大家都向往的FIRE生活,到底有多难实现?在践行记账一年后,Zane宣告自己的FIRE梦想短暂破灭,开始计划重新找工作。我们都希望财政自由,但真的有多少人认真反思和了解自己的消费习惯?本周Soft Spot我们打开账单,直面大手大脚的自己,重新认识自己的打工钱都去了哪里,在新的一年立下“降级消费”和做正确长远投资的新目标!快来收听吧~本周还有精彩的游戏综艺、好剧电影分享,不容错过。

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So many people talk about FIRE, dreaming of a free life without financial burden. Yet, after documenting her own expense for a year, Zane came to the conclusion that FIRE might be too early for her. But, it’s a good start point isn’t it? Only by knowing your spending habits and your real needs could you achieve financial freedom and a happier, freer life. Tune in for this episode of Soft Spot for some wise money tips. Plus, we’ve shared our favorite game, shows and movie for the week as always.

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM/BiliBili searching Soft Spot

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