soft spot#9 每周tips分享,让生活精致一点——睡眠瑜伽,番茄计时法|Weekly Tips on Living a Better Life — Nidra Yoga, Pomodoro Timer & more

最近的Soft Spot总是围绕“更好的生活”这一主题展开,我们讨论时间管理、科学休息、记录生活,希望在信息爆炸、嘈杂繁乱的当下与大家分享减压、快乐生活的小妙招。这周Zane讲述了睡眠瑜伽为她带来的新体验,通过轻柔的引导与音乐改善每晚休息质量。Rita则重拾番茄计时法,在工作节奏很容易被打乱、注意力容易分散的时候,不妨尝试一下,让你对自己时间管理提高一个层次。PS. 本周的购物分享是关于贴纸进化的惊喜发现,不要错过哦!

期待与大家在更多平台相遇: Spotify/Apple Podcast/喜马拉雅/小宇宙/网易云音乐/荔枝FM:Soft Spot 小红书:Soft Spot

In recent episodes of Soft Spot, we tend to focus on the theme of living a better life by talking about time management, perfecting ways to relax and recording your life. This week, we have brought some more tips because we think you might as well find them helpful in trying to live a happier life. Zane shared her new love for Yoga Nidra, which could send you into sweeter dreams via soft guidance and serene music. Rita rediscovered the effectiveness of Pomodoro Timer. Through blocking short time slots, you will be surprised how powerful you could be in controlling your own schedule. PS. Do you love stickers for deco, or for your nails? That’s where our money has gone to this week!

You can also find us on: Spotify/Apple Podcast/Ximalaya/Xiaoyuzhou/NetEase Music/Lizhi FM/: Soft Spot

RED: Soft Spot