
softspot #97 卡片机回潮,我们也来一波回忆杀 | What’s your yesterday once more?

曾经被时代淘汰的“电子垃圾”回潮,当大家重拾CCD,一种模糊的美席卷社媒。虽然我们选择支持科技进步不予跟风,但也忍不住来了一波回忆杀,怀念起那些曾经风靡却难再寻觅的小确幸:必胜客的沙拉吧,街角的报刊亭,地下的小商品杂货城,亦或是一封封手写的信笺…..你的“爷青回”是什么?不如与我们一起分享吧!本期cultural highlights我们分享了两部风格迥异但同样精彩的纪录片,或猎奇或老少咸宜,总有一部适合你, check us out!

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What’s with the CCD trend? We didn’t quite get it. Yet, we did take the chance to remember the good old times and the disappearing trends. Do you remember Pizza Hut’s salad bar? Can you still find newspaper stands around your city? Have you ever written letters with your friends? Come share your memories with us. For cultural highlights this week, we prepared two very different documentaries. Hope you guys would enjoy as well. Peace!

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM/BiliBili searching Soft Spot Shoot us an email at [email protected]