
softspot S2E4 科学修仙初体验!都市丽人的玄学小原则 | Do you believe in the mysterious force?


Come join us and experience the mysterious oriental force! Given a very rare chance, Zane and Rita participated in a Daoist cultural event. We took a Daoist 101 lesson with a young practitioner, who showed us how to meditate, chant and practice. What’s your religious experiences? Do you hold on to any taboos? Join us for a fun and mysterious chat!


00:21 Rita和Zane的小Catch up:对于冰咖啡的讨论

08:15 Rita的夏日阅读《月海与有梦人》二次元《新封神榜:杨戬》《强风吹拂》

18:10 Zane的观影《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙》《世界奇妙物语2023SP》

34:40 科学修仙和玄学小原则




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