
softspot S2E6 大人的心脏是带壳的牡蛎 |What’s being an adult?


The heart of a grown-up is like an oyster with hard shell. At first look, it seems unbreakable; but with a little crack, it would expose its soft inner world. After reading a picture book on the world of adults, we had a conversation on what it means to be a grown-up and what’s good and bad about it. In conclusion, we found it’s great to be an adult after all. Though we live with pressure and responsibilities, we also harvest freedom, the power to choose and the ability to love. What do you think?


00:10 本周的小Catch Up:Rita旅行日记,Zane沉迷于手工

11:13 Rita的展览

24:54 带壳的牡蛎是大人的心脏:”大人“之间的讨论




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