softspot#11战胜社交焦虑,一边做自己一边快乐社交!| Overcoming social anxiety – Be yourself and enjoy yourself!

无论是学生党还是打工人,当代年轻人似乎都时不时为社交焦虑或社交疲惫所困扰:参加聚会遭遇尴尬冷板凳、与朋友的朋友社交却话不投机、拒绝不掉邀约导致身心俱疲…..这一期的Soft Spot,Rita和Zane想和大家聊聊怎么战胜社交焦虑,一边做自己一边快乐社交!当然,我们也一如既往地与大家分享了上一周的新鲜体验(看话剧、跳探戈)与入手宝贝,期待大家与我们互动~

期待与大家在更多平台相遇: Spotify/Apple Podcast/喜马拉雅/小宇宙/QQ音乐/网易云音乐/荔枝FM:Soft Spot 小红书:Soft Spot

Have you ever experienced social anxiety? Maybe it was going to a party where no body shows any interest talking to you, or that last time when a friend invited you to meet her friends with whom you found nothing in common. Or simply, you just can't turn down any social invitations and find yourself constantly feeling tired in a social setting. In this episode, Rita and Zane shared their experience with social anxiety and discussed how to overcome it. P.S., like always, we've also shared out weekly favorites and latest purchases. Tell us about your obsessions!

You can also find us on Spotify/Apple podcast/Ximalaya /QQ Music/ NetEase Music/Xiao YuZhou/LiZhi FM: Soft Spot Xiaohongshu/RED: Soft Spot