softspot#13 噗噗!这是一条有味道的Tip | Poop alert! Here's a smelly tip for you

天干物燥的季节,养生成了Rita和Zane这周生活的关键词。Zane这周久违的在牙科诊所有了次不错的洗牙体验,并自此决定好好使用牙线。关注睡眠健康的她还计划重启睡眠记录的课题,好让自己拥有更好的睡眠习惯,也许下次就能赶上早起打卡!Rita一直被肠胃问题所困扰,偶然间发现了一个有味道的App帮助自己记录便便习惯。大家似乎总对解决“大问题”讳莫如深,忽视了便便状况所反映的身体状况。怎么样,你有没有兴趣探索一下这个有味道的小tip? 期待与大家在更多平台相遇: Spotify/Apple Podcast/喜马拉雅/小宇宙/QQ音乐/网易云音乐/荔枝FM:Soft Spot 小红书:Soft Spot

Soft Spot EP13 Poop alert! Here's a smelly tip for you Spring can be a tricky time with unpredictable weather and problems triggered by seasonal change. To Zane and Rita, how to stay healthy becomes the center topic of this week's episode of Soft Spot. Zane has her teeth cleaned and rediscovered how indispensable dental floss can be. As a night owl who struggles to wake up early, she also decides to try tracking her sleep and readjusting her sleep pattern. Rita is always mindful when it comes to her daily bowel movement. That's why she's thrilled to find out a smartphone app that tracks our toilet habit. Poop alert! You can also find us on Spotify/Apple podcast/Ximalaya /QQ Music/ NetEase Music/Xiao YuZhou/LiZhi FM: Soft Spot Xiaohongshu/RED: Soft Spot