Softspot#18 金钱管理&体重管理——我们离掌控自己的生活有多远 | inner management – Managing our health and wealth

成年人谈论对生活的掌控似乎总是离不开财富自由和体重管理。你有多久没好好记账了?你的小金库是否入不敷出?“月光“是否是你的生活常态?减肥是否总是从明天开始?Zane和Rita这周围绕金钱管理和健康管理分享了自己的成功和失败谈。PS.还有美酒推荐和618购物记,欢迎大家收听~ 期待与大家在更多平台相遇: Spotify/Apple Podcast/喜马拉雅/小宇宙/QQ音乐/网易云音乐/荔枝FM:Soft Spot 小红书:Soft Spot

Adult life is challenging, and managing health and wealth is the ultimate challenge. This week, Zane and Rita discussed their attitude and habits when it comes to checking bank accounts and the weight scale. PS. As always, we’ve shared our weekly favorites including wine and 618 shopping bargains! Check it out in this episode of Soft Spot. You can also find us on Spotify/Apple podcast/Ximalaya /QQ Music/ NetEase Music/Xiao YuZhou/LiZhi FM: Soft Spot Xiaohongshu/RED: Soft Spot