softspot#27 挑战炮筒健身&提高“战痘”力 | Challenging ViPR exercise & fighting breakouts

Zane和Rita本周都有很多新挑战、新体验与大家分享~Zane初次尝试了炮筒健身,盛赞炮筒是无氧有氧统统胜任的好工具。Rita则受奥运健儿们鼓舞挑战了射箭,体会变身Hunger Game女主的快乐。本周特别推荐吃&用的好物,邓老凉茶龟苓膏and风倍清杀菌喷雾,助你健康清爽渡过三伏天。如果你被痘痘困扰,不要忘记听到最后,我们助你提高“战痘”力~

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This is a week filled with challenges for Rita and Zane. Zane tried out ViPR exercises and loved it for getting aerobic and anaerobic results. Rita went for archery and imagined herself transferring to the Hunger Game universe. For this week’s favorites, we recommend Febreeze anti-bacterial spray and Chinese herbal jelly to keep you healthy and cool. Have breakout problem? Listen to the end for our tips on fighting acne.

Have stories and suggestions for us? Shoot us an email at [email protected]

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