softspot#31追星女孩教我PS,社牛社恐在线Battle|Learn Photoshop skills from fan girls & when the social awkward meet social butterflies

sst迎来30期!Zane和Rita修养一周后,给大家带来了更丰富的爱用物分享和更有趣的tips~智能艾灸让养生前卫简约,Kindle会员让你无法拒绝阅读(不知道读什么?我们为你推荐了书单),买彩票让你人生更有奔头!本周tips,我们发现学习PS找追星女孩才是正解,讨论了社牛社恐battle到底谁更胜一筹。Check us out!

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Kicking off episode 31 we come up a bonanza of good stories, recent favorites and fun tips: Smart moxibustion without the smoke and fuss, reading with Kindle Unlimited (with our book picks), buying lottery tickets to dream of better life! Wanna know why you should learn Photoshop skills from fan girls and how the social awkward and social animals become the new debate? Check out this latest episode!

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM searching Soft Spot

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