
softspot#46 2022年 我们决定这样过 | New Year resolution time! Here are ours

Happy New year!新年伊始,你有没有列下今年的愿望清单?Zane和Rita决定放过自己,每人只立三个flags,更关注照顾内心与自我提升。Zane想要重拾子弹笔记,yolo的人生认真记录每天生活,培养新爱好,做一个百分百相信自己的人。Rita希望可以摆脱焦虑,停止内耗,变身斜杠青年,最好能早日达成引体向上自由!请大家监督我们践行新年计划,也欢迎大家与我们分享今年立下的flags~

你可以在Spotify、小宇宙、苹果Podcast、QQ音乐、荔枝播客等各大平台搜索Soft Spot 找到我们

或通过这个邮箱:[email protected] 告诉我们你的想法


00:30 2022年第一周状态及观影分享

16:37 拒绝焦虑,变得更从容

23:50 认真记录生活,更爱活着这件事

28:25 为做一个斜杠青年做准备

31:55 学习(精进)一项技能,达到可以输出的水平

36:25 对自己的百分百的相信,减少想讨好的惯性

41:22 不要减肥了,我要做引体向上





Happy New Year! It’s the time we sit down and start listing this year’s New Year resolutions. Zane and Rita are kind to themselves this year, only penning down three goals. Zane hopes to start doing bullet journal, become more confident, and start a new hobby. Rita wishes to confront anxiety, explore the possibility of multiple careers, and maybe challenge chin ups! What are your New Year resolutions? Please share with us so we can all stay motivated together!

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM searching Soft Spot

Shoot us an email at [email protected]