
softspot#52 成为人生“赢家”的秘密,在于做一个体面的loser |If life is filled with failures, let’s be a successful loser

生活中谁都有失败的时候,如何体面的做一个loser就成了一门学问。这期Rita在经历了生活的起起落落落落之后与大家分享了如何面对失败,在失败后如何漂亮的赢回来。Zane则通过理性弃剧告诉大家“及时止损”也格外重要。本期我们依旧与大家分享了一周生活、爱用好物,欢迎收听~ P.S. 大家发现我们换头像了吗!特别感谢多才多艺的小帆老师~

你可以在Spotify、小宇宙、苹果Podcast、QQ音乐、荔枝播客等各大平台搜索Soft Spot 找到我们

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01:00 Rita和Zane本周动向

10:25 Zane优衣库LifeWear杂志推荐

14:50 Rita 养生好物腰椎按摩仪

22:50 Zane 理性弃剧

34:35 Rita分享在失败后如何漂亮的赢回来


杂志:优衣库 LifeWear



We experience failures, which makes “how to fail successfully” an important lesson. Feeling quite defeated recently, Rita learned and shared some tips on how to grow from failures. On similar notions, Zane learned from giving up TV series that letting go is also very important. Like always, we also chatted about our weekly highlights and favorites. Take a listen! P.S. Have you noticed we’d changed our profile photo? Special thanks to our friend Xiaofan~

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM searching Soft Spot

Shoot us an email at [email protected]