
softspot#53 看我七十二变!聊聊医美初体验 | Beauty challenge! Rita’s first visit to a cosmetic clinic

在经历了怀疑、观望、好奇、长草等复杂思想斗争后,Rita鼓起勇气开启了医美小白之旅,挑战了超皮秒,从满脸爆破“结疤”到重生皙白嫩滑,收获了一次满意的经历。如何理智接受医美治疗?哪些“坑”要学会躲避?医美后如何防晒?干货满满等不及与大家分享~Zane本期竟然教大家如何呼吸?到底在卖什么关子,快来听新一期Soft Spot吧!

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00:25 Zane本周的highlight和lowlight

05:42 Rita地狱模式的一周&由新爱好“听书”引发的讨论

15:40 Zane帮忙染发初体验

23:17 Rita医美初体验

40:20 Zane叫大家如何呼吸





书籍:《学会呼吸》 帕特里克·麦基翁

After feeling suspicious, hesitant, and then curious, Rita gathered the courage to visit a cosmetic clinic and had her first Picoway laser treatment. The experience was a good one, with her face turning scabby then smooth and brightened. How to rationally choose the right treatment and avoid pitfalls? What should you do after a treatment? We share everything with you in this episode of Soft Spot. What’s more, Zane’s gonna teach us how to breathe!

P.S. Soft Spot is on BiliBili NOW! Go find us !

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