
softspot#54 治好你的“选择恐惧症”!做拿捏命运的都市丽人|Cure your indecision and be the queen of your life

和朋友小聚选餐厅花了半个小时、穿搭犯难上班又迟到、周末犹豫剪头发还是看电影最后什么都没做成…时间宝贵,当代都市丽人怎能被“选择恐惧症”拖累!本期Tips,Rita分享如何做个果决痛快的女人,Zane则通过近期大热美剧探讨我们能否拿捏命运。一年之计在于春,今年开年你立的flags如何了?快和我们一起catch up吧~

你可以在Spotify、小宇宙、苹果Podcast、QQ音乐、荔枝播客、B站等各大平台搜索Soft Spot 找到我们

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00:13 Rita和Zane本周的状态分享

05:14 话剧&电影讨论

13:20 Rita字帖使用反馈

15:25 Rita’s money going:酵素

20:10 Zane‘s money going:摄影镜头

22:03 Catch up Rita引体向上的进度

27:00 探讨我们能否拿捏命运

45:55 如何做个果决痛快的女人

涉及品牌及影片: 酵素:Bio-E 镜头:奥林巴斯 25mm F1.8 定焦镜头 话剧:《你若安好 那还得了》 美剧:《美国犯罪故事:弹劾》

If you find yourself spending half an hour choosing where to eat or always getting late for work because you can’t decide on what to wear, hey, it’s time to cure your indecision. We think your time is so precious that you can’t waste it on the insignificant. In this episode of Soft Spot, Rita shares some tips on becoming a decisive and spontaneous person. After watching Season 3 of American Crime Story, Zane has some opinions on how women can or cannot control their life by making decisions. Tune in for life tips, shopping recommendations and more!

You can also find us on Spotify / Xiao Yu Zhou / Apple podcast / Ximalaya / QQ Music / NetEase Music / LiZhi FM /BiliBili searching Soft Spot Shoot us an email at [email protected]