
softspot#76 我们离姨妈自由到底有多远?|Let’s talk about Aunt Flow

高铁上要不要卖卫生巾这个问题点燃了一场新的网络辩论,光怪陆离的网友评论过于令人咋舌,让我们感到不得不聊一聊姨妈自由这个话题了。不是所有女生的生理期都准的如月亮阴晴圆缺,没有哪个女生在被姨妈“窜访”的尴尬瞬间还在挑绵柔or干爽,生理痛的折磨很多人不懂,就事论事我们来好好聊一聊。当然,硬核讨论之前别错过我们轻松的一周回顾和cultural highlightsP.S.听到最后我们有姨妈痛退散红黑榜分享哦~

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00:48 本周近况更新

07:33 美剧《bad sisters》和两个人对BP新专辑的延伸讨论

15:53 看理想APP付费内容

23:15 离姨妈自由到底有多远



剧集:《坏姐妹 Bad Sisters》

音乐:BLACKPINK《Pink Venom》

The discussion on whether tampons and pads should be sold on high speed trains has made waves on Chinese social media. Amazed by some outrageous comments, we think it’t time for us to openly talk about Aunt Flow. Not every woman has the perfect cycle. None of us hardly cares about the texture or brand when we’re surprised with a visit. Many of us suffer menstrual pains regularly. People should get educated. Before this hardcore discussion, of course, we also have a light-hearted chat on our weekly happenings and cultural highlights. Stay tuned to the end for some tips on killing cramps!

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